Re: [Evolution] Announcement: this mailing list will be retired by the end of Oct 2022

And it seems I forgot both [1] and [2], there you go.


On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:43 PM Andrea Veri <av gnome org> wrote:

what you're saying is a honestly a bit unfair, lists decommission has been communicated multiple times over the past few months, see [1] and [2], but what's even more discouraging is seeing users on your list mentioning we're switching to *Discord*, or others not even understanding Discourse has the same mailing list workflow that you have today but has some sugar added on top for people who like web forums and other features Discourse provides. I'm not forcing you to remain, but I'd appreciate you trying to recreate your workflow in Discourse: that is totally possible and I can work with you and any other stakeholder to make sure that happens.

There's a subset of lists (the l10n ones) which have requested an exception from October's deadline, we can surely offer that in case you want some more time in order to migrate somewhere else or just give Discourse a try. But please, very please, let's just stop complaining for the sake of doing so and without having even tried using the new tool.


On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 8:24 PM Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk> wrote:
Andrea -

I hope you are following the Evolution list.  You certainly haven't
been "communicating" anything to the Evolution list about this until
now and it is the first that most people know about it.

It's really disappointing to see you close down a mailing list that has
been active and useful for 20 years with just a few days notice. That's
not really good "community engagement".

It seems really bizarre that you are getting rid of a mailing list for
a mail client.

I know the attitude will be "tough, they'll get over it", but it's not
going to win over the hearts and minds of your constituency.


On Thu, 2022-10-20 at 13:09 +0200, Andrea Veri wrote:
> Hi,
> As we have been communicating during the past few months GNOME's
> Mailman platform is being decommissioned (python2 deprecation, major
> burden in managing lists spam). The deadline is currently set to the
> end of October 2022. Mailing list subscribers are invited to migrate
> to GNOME's Discourse instance [1]. Neil made sure [2] to create a set
> of tags you can re-use to initiate a new topic in the new platform,
> if a tag is missing please reach out to me directly.
> Jehan (from the GIMP Team) kindly provided some instructions you can
> follow [3] in order to safely migrate your reading workflow to
> Discourse. The new platform supports several login methods including
> your GNOME Account and other major OpenID providers.
> After the deadline of the end of October Mailman archives will remain
> alive in read only mode for posterity. If the mailing list was used
> behind an alias, please let me know so we can re-do the same setup
> but on Discourse instead.
> Thanks,
> P.S All the l10n lists are still pending code changes in damned-lies,
> the deadline to decommission those lists may slip by a week or two
> depending how soon those changes will be made available in DL
> codebase
> [1]
> [2] 
> 00018.html
> [3] 
> e/11534/5
> _______________________________________________
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Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman


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