Re: [evolution-patches] Please review my patch for bug #46515

Hello All
I have recreate a new patch according to Anna's advice, Could you review my new patch?
Antonio Xu wrote:

Hello All,
       Could you review my patch for bug #46515? My patch can solve this
problem. I removed some confused text in source code, that will make insert image more clearly
Bug Summary: No sense text in sample area
Bug Link:
Antonio Xu

Index: components/html-editor/ChangeLog
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gtkhtml/components/html-editor/ChangeLog,v
retrieving revision 1.412
diff -u -r1.412 ChangeLog
--- components/html-editor/ChangeLog	1 Jul 2003 10:16:07 -0000	1.412
+++ components/html-editor/ChangeLog	18 Jul 2003 07:32:55 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2003-07-18  Antonio Xu <antonio xu sun com>
+	* image.c : (get_sample_html) : change some no sense text.
 2003-07-01  Yuedong Du <yuedong du sun com>
 	* editor-control-factory.c : add a new signal handler (html_show_popup)
Index: components/html-editor/image.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gtkhtml/components/html-editor/image.c,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -r1.51 image.c
--- components/html-editor/image.c	12 May 2003 20:46:48 -0000	1.51
+++ components/html-editor/image.c	18 Jul 2003 07:37:59 -0000
@@ -253,12 +253,18 @@
 	if (insert) {
 		html   = g_strconcat (body, image, NULL);
 	} else {
-		html   = g_strconcat (body,
-				      _("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."),
+		if (strcasecmp(location, "") != 0) {
+			html = g_strconcat (body,
+				      _("This is sample text, designed to show "
+					"you how text would flow around this "
+					"image if you insert the image into "
+				        "your message."),
 				      " ",
-				      _("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."),
+		} else {
+			html   = g_strconcat (body, _("No image"), NULL);
+		}
 	g_free (location);

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