Re: [evolution-patches] calendar client .pc

Rodrigo Moya wrote:
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 12:35 -0400, William Jon McCann wrote:


What do you think about adding a pkg-config file for the calendar client libs? The evolution-calendar.pc seems to be strictly for backends. Perhaps something like the attached file?
It seems that at the moment the only difference between a client and a 
backend is libpcs but I suppose that could change.
the current evolution-calendar.pc works perfectly for clients. I have
been using it in gda-evolution (in gnome cvs) and in a little hack I did

So, what are the problems you're finding to make this change?
None, per se.  It may make for a clearer separation of client and server 
and allow for the requirements of each to develop independently.  But 
maybe that is because I don't understand the future of these APIs :)  If 
they aren't going to change and it is not a big deal that building a 
client requires the server libs then there is no reason for this 
additional pc file (ie. the client and server will always reside on the 
same system and linkers are smart enough not to link to the unused 
server libs).

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