Re: [evolution-patches] Patch for adding support to Recurrences in GW events

On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 09:17 +0530, Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
> hi,
>  thanks for the review. i will switch to /* */ and add the memory frees.
> Conversion from EGwItem to ECalcomponents has been omitted because of a
> scope limitation with the GW SOAP interface.. We support the recurrences
> created in Evolution to be expanded into individual items in the server
> but can retrieve them only as individual calendar items.
there is really no need to get them as individual calendar items. That
is done by the client. You just need to create a ECalComponent that
contains all information about all recurrences, so that the client code
can expand them. Setting those recurrence dates into your ECalComponent
is what seemed to be missing in your patch.


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