Re: [evolution-patches] UI patch - for GW system address book/GAL

I have attached the new patch.

In case of backend not specifying do-initial-query and
being editable I am using a different message.


Sivaiah Nallagatla wrote:
Few comments below To get a reference to book we can just do g_object_get (view->adapter, "book", &book, NULL);
in set_empty_message. we need not add a new function for this.

Also a backend may not specify do-initial-query but still can be
editable, for example ldap backend, so the message setting logic should
be as follows .

if(no initial query) { if (editable) show "search for conacts, double clikc to create one" else show "search for contacts"
 else {
       if (editable)
       show "there are no items in this view, doble click to create one"
else show "there are no items in this view"


On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 13:38 +0530, Sushma Rai wrote:


There were couple of mails on the lists, about Global address list, in Exchange connector not being intuitive, that one need to search
for contacts and they are not fetched by default.

This patch sets a different message, in such cases.

Index: gui/widgets/e-minicard-view.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/evolution/addressbook/gui/widgets/e-minicard-view.c,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -r1.66 e-minicard-view.c
--- gui/widgets/e-minicard-view.c	2 Nov 2004 08:36:05 -0000	1.66
+++ gui/widgets/e-minicard-view.c	26 Nov 2004 06:36:08 -0000
@@ -153,19 +153,33 @@
 set_empty_message (EMinicardView *view)
 	char *empty_message;
-	gboolean editable = FALSE;
+	gboolean editable = FALSE, perform_initial_query = FALSE;
+	EBook *book;
 	if (view->adapter) {
 		g_object_get (view->adapter,
 			      "editable", &editable,
+		g_object_get (view->adapter, "book", &book, NULL);
+		if (!e_book_check_static_capability (book, "do-initial-query"))
+			perform_initial_query = TRUE;
-	if (editable)
-		empty_message = _("\n\nThere are no items to show in this view.\n\n"
-				  "Double-click here to create a new Contact.");
-	else
-		empty_message = _("\n\nThere are no items to show in this view.");
+	if (editable) {
+		if (perform_initial_query)
+			empty_message = _("\n\nSearch for the Contact\n\n"
+					  "or double-click here to create a new Contact.");
+		else
+			empty_message = _("\n\nThere are no items to show in this view.\n\n"
+					  "Double-click here to create a new Contact.");
+	}
+	else {
+		if (perform_initial_query)
+			empty_message = _("\n\nSearch for the Contact.");
+		else
+			empty_message = _("\n\nThere are no items to show in this view.");
+	}
 	g_object_set (view,
 		      "empty_message", empty_message,

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