Re: [evolution-patches] Patch Submission : Bug #246251

dayananth ramasamy wrote:
  This is Dayananth doing 3rd Year

  at P.S.G,Coimbatore.

  I am doing NOSIP project since May 1st.

  I hereby submit my 1st patch in evolution.
Your patch is in gtkhtml and not in evolution. So, it would be helpful 
if you could mention the module name in the subject.
2005-07-12 Dayananth Ramasamy <daya20_psg yahoo co in>
	* bumped version to 3.7.4 for the new release.
What is the purpose of this version bump ?

	*  menubar.c: argument changed in function call
	*  properties.c: Added a condition check
		 Fixes #246251


< 	cd->properties_dialog = gtk_html_edit_properties_dialog_new (cd, _("Insert"), ICONDIR "/insert-table-24.png");

	cd->properties_dialog = gtk_html_edit_properties_dialog_new (cd, _("Insert Table"), ICONDIR "/insert-table-24.png");
< 						   GTK_HTML_EDIT_PROPERTY_TABLE, _("Table"),

Please take unified diff of your patches. After that you attach it to corresponding bugzilla report.
It would be nice if you would read the hacker's guide, esp. this section
- Kaushal

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