Re: f-spot in a photo workflow

Aigars Mahinovs wrote:
Here is the result:
Hi Aigars,

Great use case! I'm not a pro or semi pro photographer (yet), but I do enough photography that my use cases are pretty similar to yours. I'd probably add the ability to add tags during the initial review phase, as well at adding ratings.
One thing that would be very useful to us, would be priorities on the 
various issues you've brought up...
For instance, my top 5 would probably be:
1. search and filter
2. Rating support and quick rating/tagging tool from fullscreen mode
3. Archival synchronization support
4. Backup
5. Performance

It would be very nice if we could make a discussion about that and
build a roadmap of new features for F-Spot based on that workflow.
We've recently started having periodic irc meetings to discuss roadmap 
issues - it'd be great if you could attend the next meeting to add your 
Thanks again!

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