Re: Meeting #2 Aug 14th 20:30 UTC

On 8/10/06, Ben Monnahan <monnahan gmail com> wrote:
Current agenda:

Status Goal #1 (XMP import)
Status Goal #2 (Query tags)
As important as I think the query stuff is, I think we should focus
first on the plugin support
( for two reasons:  1) the
query code is out of date and needs to be brought in sync with HEAD,
which is quite a chore it seems, and 2) the plugin system will allow
the developer community around F-Spot to grow very quickly as people
can work on and distribute their own features.

So let's push the query stuff back a couple weeks to the next meeting.
In the mean time I will get it up to date so we can hack on it and
improve it and get it in.



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