Re: F-Spot mission statement

On 26/08/06, Thomas PARIS <mercen mercen org> wrote:
On Sat Aug 26 at 14:36 (+0900), you wrote:
> ===
> [...] doing minor touchups [...]
> ===

Aha! The time has finally come to clear this up. From the moment I've
seen f-spot and then even more so when I saw Aperture and Lightroom
mentionned on the website, I've been wondering how far f-spot wants to
go, how much functionality it's going to offer.

Is f-spot only for cataloging pictures or is it more than that, a
"photography workflow" app?

Yes, I know, I should have written my own take at a mission statement,
but I think my question asks for an answer first.

And I would be lying if I was saying I don't mind if f-spot never does
more than cataloging... I don't think Gimp is the right tool for most
photograph editing needs. Check out Adobe's Lightroom for an example of
what I'd like to have. (though I'm not suggesting we should blindly copy

Thomas "mercen" PARIS, who thinks f-spot will be great even if it
doesn't meet his expectations

I think that there's a difference between touching up a photo and
editing it, even though the line between them is grey.

Touching up is fixing camera flaws: dirt or smudge on lens, red eye,
blurryness. The content of the photo stays the same- the goal is to
bring the picture up to the standard that the photographer had
expected when pressing the shutter.

Editing a picture is changing the content. This includes adding or
removing objects, changing colours (NOT including correcting redeye,
which is a fault of the camera), straightening lines, etc.

I believe that any photo-managment software (including F-spot) should
allow the user to touch up a photo. Editing a photo should be left to
the Gimp or another photo _Editing_ program. I could see where a
plugin might be allowed to edit phtos, however.


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