Re: My top Goal list

On 8/27/06, Anders Bo Rasmussen <fuzz fuzz dk> wrote:
On 8/27/06, Marcus Hast <marcushast gmail com> wrote:
> * Grouping / Stacking and handling versioning/tagging with this
> properly. (So an image can be a "version" of a group, eg panorama or
> HDR composite.) It should be possible to have recursive behaviour.
> (This means that the "group" of images needs to be a F-Spot object
> which can have tags attached etc.)

I  think it is import to make this in a as general way as possible so we
don't need to extent the database with more coloumns more than once. Adding
coloumns might effect the code a lot of places. Some discusion and thinking
about this might be a good idea. Maybe someone can come with more use cases
for multiple versions/groups/stacks/<whatever that is a
like this>?
I'm not sure how versions are implemented right now, but grouping
could be made like a separate table. And that would contain references
to the images each group contains. I'm not sure though if there are
any likely cases where an image is in multiple groups, or if it would
make sense in the context of the program (though I'm sure someone will
think of a way for it to make sense and try to do it).

Also there is a potential issue with how it should be presented in the
UI. Eg if the user makes a group containing every 50th image then it's
a bit unclear how it should be shown. Personally I'd prefer if all
images in a group are presented next to each other, and possibly
grouped similar to how images are selected.

> * Printing support. The basics would be that the same sizes aren't
> used everywhere. So it should be possible to alter the crop ratios
> depending on what you want to print. A basic aid for printing could be
> to add a "DPI" calcuation for the image. ...
Maybe it would be benificial to modularize this as a output/export module?
I think those two would be good to have directly in the UI. Making
collages and such is a different story, and that may be better off in
a module.

I'm not sure how modules are are intended to work and if they are
supposed to have completely different GUIs. That could be a bit
annoying for the user.


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