Re: Import from disk and auto-tag

Dotan Cohen wrote:
After patching f-spot, then modifying po/Makefile, I still can't get
through a successfull make and make install! This time, this is the

That looks to me like a successful make and make install - I don't see any obvious errors. Do you have a 'f-spot' executable in /usr/local/bin? If so, then I think you are fine - try running it explicitly with "/usr/local/bin/f-spot'

if you are posting things like this log via html, you should probably put "<pre>" and "</pre>" tags around the entire thing --- otherwise html collapses all the new lines - the html you provided was unreadable unless you did a 'view source'.

I appologize in advance if there are Hebrew messages sprinked within.
I did the EXPORT LANG=C that was requested of me, but it failed, and I
didn't notice:
dotancohen ubuntu:~$ EXPORT LANG=C
bash: EXPORT: command not found

export needs to be in lower case - "export LANG=C"

basically this is setting the environment variable LANG to contain the value "C".

As for configure vs. --- needs to be run if you have a clean cvs copy, or if you update the script --- after that, you can just run the configure script created by the


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