Re: Importing tagged photos does not assign tags to photos!

On 05/07/06, Bengt Thuree <bengt thuree com> wrote:
in particular

A good way to make an archival copy of a database is this:

    $ echo '.dump' | sqlite ex1 | gzip -c >ex1.dump.gz

Thank you! I was just looking for that... I was able to convert that into:
dotancohen ubuntu:~/.gnome2/f-spot$ echo '.dump' | sqlite photos.db > output.txt

and open it for editing in Kate. But interestingly, in Kate the file
needs no editing- the tags are already in Hebrew. I don't find this as
being good news, however, because I don't know where to continue on
from here, now. Now, I really feel stuck.

This generates a file named ex1.dump.gz that contains everything you need
to reconstruct the database at a later time, or on another machine. To
reconstruct the database, just type:

    $ zcat ex1.dump.gz | sqlite ex2

so try
1 - dump database
$ echo '.dump' | sqlite photos.db > photos.db.txt

Hehe, figured that out.

2 - modify database (only change tag name though)
vi  photos.db.txt
kate photos.db.txt

3 - backup old database
mv photos.db photos.db.old

4 - reload database
cat photos.db.txt | sqlite photos.db

Agghh! I really though that we were this close. Now I really don't
know what to do. Any ideas are most appreciated. In any case, Bengt,
Warren, and Stephane, I do appreciate all the help so far.

Dotan Cohen

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