Re: How do F-Spot handle foreign character sets like Hebrew?

On 06/07/06, Bengt Thuree <bengt thuree com> wrote:
On To, 2006-07-06, 18:00, Stephane Delcroix skrev:
> Hi,
> My experience on your image (beatrice.jpg)
> - open it using f-spot --view (do not import)
> - ctrl-I, "subject and keyword" is written in an hebrew charset
> - import the image in f-spot (patched with
> - the tag created is not anymore in hebrew (backslashed sequence), and
> also the "subject and keyword" (with the 'write metadata option checked)
> - in the db, the tag is \u05D1\u05D9\u05D0\u05D8\u05E8\u05D9\u05E1
> hope this will help you guys...
> Stephane

Based upon Stephane indication above, as well as my own small tests, I am
a bit confused how F-Spot handles foreign character sets.

I open the Beatrice photo (check previous mails from me on this list for
link) in Eye of Gnome, and the Comment field is the backslashed sequence.
I checked it with "strings beatrice.jpg" and see the backslashed sequence.
I import the photo, and have a lot of debug statements activated, and see
the backslased sequence.
View MetaData shows some hebrew characters (I presume anyway) for the
keywords, but backslashed sequence for the comment field.
The newly created tag (with my patch) contains the backslashed sequence.

This photo's comment field and tag was created by F-Spot.

What have I missed. I am sure I have missed something very simple...
My import routine is only using F-Spot's XMP reader as far as I know...


Hello, list, I was wondering if any progress had been made in this
area. So far, it is the only thing preventing us from using F-spot.

Thank you for all the hard work, and the excellent application that F-spot is.
Dotan and Ety Cohen

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