Re: Photo rating and XMP

On 7/27/06, Bengt Thuree <bengt thuree com> wrote:
Nice indeed :)

Is it easy to specify the rating per picture or selected pictures?

Well there are still a few things that need to be addressed :-)

1. Saving/retrieving rating in/from XMP
2. Storing the rating within F-Spot (changes in the DB?)
3. UI stuff
4. Filtering

1. The XMP patch will definitely help for that one.  The where
(Urgency or Rating tag?) and how (unrated + refused (0) + 1-5?) are
still undecided yet.

2. Todo I guess :-) but that's an important one.

3. At least we have a cool widget in C# thanks to Gabriel.  It handles
click, slide, mouse scroll, keyboard shortcuts - very, very cool.

4. -

Once 1 and 2 are done, 3 is probably the biggest task.  Well 4 too but
I will let other people focus on that one :-).


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