Re: RAW/Versioning improvement ideas

I have been wondering about the same thing myself.

The problem with automatically detecting the files (thing #3) might be
proglematic, because if you are shooting both raw and jpg, you will
already have a JPG file with the same name.

Then again it is a version of the same picture as well, so maybe it
would be the right way after all.

The converted Raws would be img_0001-2.jpg and so on.

On 11/1/06, Peter Finley <pezskwerl gmail com> wrote:


I am new to the list and am looking to get involved in developing this

To start, I would love to help improve the RAW support. I don't know what
the current plan is for this functionality, but currently, F-Spot does not
support versioning with RAW photographs. I know that many photographers
(including myself) shoot only in RAW and it is a major drawback to not be
able to manage versions of RAW images as with other image types (like JPEG).

I see a few options to here remedy this dilemma (I'm sure some of them have
already been suggested):

Implement a RAW converter (dcraw) into the F-Spot code. However, I think
most people currently use the excellent UFRaw application, which might be
hard to compete with. This would be the nicest, most clean solution, but
also the most intensive if it is to compete with UFRaw.

Implement the ability to manage versions. This would include the ability to
take an image and add it as a version of a different image. Originally, I
was thinking this could be done by selecting and dragging one or more images
onto an other in the query view. I looked into actually implementing
something like this only to find that versions must have the same file
extension. Obviously, for this functionality to be possible this limitation
would need to be fixed in the database (add a 'path' field to the
'photo_versions' table or change the 'version_id' to be a FK to
'photos'.'id' instead).

Add some code to automatically detect converted RAW files during the import
process. For instance, say there is a RAW file called 'img_0001.cr2'. Most
often a file converted from this will retain the same base filename, such as
'img_0001.jpeg'. During the import process, this could be detected and the
JPEG file could be automatically added as a version of the RAW file. Again,
this suffers from the same limitation of #2.

Somehow intelligently support UFRaw so that F-Spot has some control over the
conversion process. For instance, I noticed that ufraw-batch can output to
standard out or to a designated file. This could allow for F-Spot to spawn
the ufraw-batch process on some selected RAW files and specify the output
file (or read from standard out). The ufraw-batch process will use the
configuration file stored in the user's home directory (~/.ufrawrc) to
perform the conversion.

Personally, I would be content with only having option #3. This would allow
for RAW files to be converted outside of F-Spot and automatically imported
as a version of the original RAW file, so long as the converted versions are
in the same directory as the RAW and have the same base filename. In fact,
this same logic could be applied to other situations, such as if there is a
file 'img_0001.tiff' and a 'img_0001.jpg' in the same directory, the JPEG
could be add detected and added as a version of the TIFF upon being
imported. Going a step further (and dreaming a little bit), it would be even
nicer to have a version tree instead of a flat list. That way you could have
a base RAW file, several different TIFF versions at the next level and JPEG
versions of those, or something to that effect. Maybe overkill, but an idea

Anyway, I am interested in hearing all of your thoughts and I look forward
to hopefully contributing this excellent application.



BTW, I am willing to implement any of the above solutions (or others).
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