Re: Feature Request: Auto add tag on upload

Todd Chambery wrote:
On Sun, 2006-11-12 at 22:08 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
On 12/11/06, Todd Chambery <chambery dev gmail com> wrote:
Hi all,

I love the new "Export to PicasaWeb" feature, and would request the
ability to automatically add a tag to the uploaded photos.  I've got
tons of dupes in my library and only upload the best of any group, it
would be nice to tag the uploaded photos as (in my case) "Uploaded".

Incidentally, does F-Spot have easy IDE integration?  I looked into
importing the code into MonoDevelop, but didn't find any info online
(and my inexperienced effort couldn't get it too work).

What I recommend in your case is to simply tag the photos that you
want to upload as "PicassaWeb" (or similar), and then upload all the
photos with that tag.

Dotan Cohen

What you suggest is exactly what I did.  But because I would be taking
this same action with every export, it's a good candidate for
automation.  Whether or not I'm the only user taking this action is up
for debate.

I think I could implement this myself, which is why I inquired about an
IDE.  Eclipse made it simple for me to make changes/contributions to
JSPWiki and JMoney without the overhead of learning the whole codebase.
I think some kind of IDE would lower the bar to code level participation
by casual contributors/bug fixers.  Has anyone pursued this angle?



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F-spot-list gnome org

Hi All,

I'm also trying to contribute to this excellent project with code, but have not enough time to dive into the code, and I support the idea to do some ide integration, or maybe have some general documentation block diagrams, class documentation, for example, the hard part is not do the documentation is maintain it. Just my 2 cents.

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