Re: Added handling of IPTC People, Location and Headline fields.

Myu previous message may confue, because it was the second message
that I sent. Here is the text of the first, minus attachment (that
didn't make it to the list):

On 01/10/06, Bengt Thuree <bengt thuree com> wrote:
Hi Dotan,
That was great news, sorry that it took me some time to figure out what
to do to fix it for you.
That's alright, I happy it was done at all!

You say they are not stored in XMP.
Which tags? All of them or only the headlines?
All of them- that means that nothing is being convertied to XMP.

I tried to add a new tag to the test photo (åäöÅÄÖ) and then re-import
this photo to F-Spot, and the tags appeared nicely.
In the user 'test' with the patched F-spot, I have the Add Metadata to
File option checked.
1) I import photos with IPTC data and the tags are created (and I'm estatic).
2) I move the tags from Imported Tags to People.
3) I add a dummy tag.
4) I close the patched F-spot and exit the user 'test'.
5) I open my regular F-spot and import one of the photos from
/home/test/Photos that I know has 4 tags in the patched version.
6) I see no tags on the photo!

I attached one of the photos that the patched F-Spot worked on. I
would like to know if it has any XMP info in it.

Larry has disabled the headline for a while, if you want to re-enable
that one do modify the XmpTagsImporter.cs as below:
I can live without the headline- I rarely ever used it anyway as it
was no good for sorting.

Dotan Cohen

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