Re: f-spot to f-spot

Constantin Maslov wrote:

>> Patience is a virtue. Writing sidecar files will eventually come. 
> Sidecar is just sidecar, they are always lost and corrupted.

I have to disagree with you on that. If you lose your files, you can
only blame yourself.

> Why not to
> use internal place for such information? Why does it need two files
> (photo and sidecar) instead of one (photo with metadata)?

The f-spot sqlite database is here.

As for RAW files, maybe having their documentation would be a start. It
is not just a matter of rewriting them. It is a matter of having them
readable by the other applications. Theory says that rewriting the RAW
files is a very bad idea. The practical experience confirmed it. Some
newly released operating system (W.V.) "designer" have decided to
rewrite RAW files because the vendor decided to leave the control of
this feature to the camera manufacturers (those that have the
documentation they refuse to publish). After said OS rewrote the RAW
file, the leading digital photograph applications (P.S., L.R. and
various other) were unable to read said RAW files....


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