Re: Adding database migration info into

Dear Константин,

Константин Маслов wrote:
I think that f-spot (and any other program) must correct such thing by
itself, automaticaly or ask user. Do you know any photographer who want
to check database version and to convert databases from one version to
another instead of making photos? I ask to mean it as a bug report.

Thats a good point. Although in my opionion, the f-spot developers do 
not have to do this because they might have to add additional sqlite v2 
bindings for the migration (haven't taken a look at the code yet) and 
there will be additional dependencies brought in by these bindings. New 
users of F-Spot will definitely not see such a problem.
If any users encounter this problem, this is how I solved it:

Dump SQLite2 database:
echo '.dump' | sqlite ~/.gnome2/f-spot/photos.db | gzip -c > photos.dump.gz

Dump old database into new database:
zcat photos.dump.gz | sqlite photos3.db

move photos3.db to ~/.gnome2/f-spot/ and rename it to photos.db.

I am using Ubuntu Feisty here so the procedure above might differ slightly for other distributions.
Thanks for the reply. ;)


Jeremy Tan

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