Release of PennAve v0.4 -- a gallery for F-Spot

PennAve is a dynamic photo gallery application that is built on top of F-Spot. Basically, you copy your f-spot photos.db and your original photos to your web server and PennAve provides a nice interface to browse your photos. To make a photo viewable on the web, just tag it with the tag "Public". That's all you need to do. PennAve takes care of displaying the tags properly, resizing, and all that jazz.
Recently version 0.4 was released which sees a dramatically improved 
user interface and lots of fixes for internationalization.  If you're 
looking for a nice way to publish a dynamic version of your photos and 
still retain complete control of your photos, PennAve may be the 
solution for you.
For more info, check out (yeah, the web page 
sucks), or see my demo gallery at
For the technical folks, PennAve is written in Python and utilizes 
SQLObject, CherryPy, sqlite, and libxml to provide it's hotness. 
Mmm...that's hot.
If you have questions or comments, let me know and I'll try to address them.



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