Re: Problem with spaces in Filenames

(Sorry, just resend. I noticed that I just replied to Stephane...)


Sorry, I suppose that I did not explain the problem right. I'll try it
another time.

No, I don't have problems importing and viewing files with spaces in the
filename. Absolutely no problem.

The problem: If I convert some RAW files (with Bibble or any other RAW
converter) I save them in the same directory as the RAW files. To get
them into F-Spot I reimport all files in this directory. If I have any
photo in there with spaces in the filename which is imported in F-Spot
yet F-Spot tries to reimport this photo, too. The result are two photos
in F-Spot refering to the same file. That's the problem.

And about the %20% things: were did you see that pattern ? in the 'Name'
on the left sidebar ? or elsewhere ? (I agree, the left sidebar is
Yes, in the left sidebar. But if I reimport the photo, the new one shows
it right, without %20.

I suspect an encoding issue, does this command returns something ?

select, l.uri, r.uri from photos as l, photos as r where l.uri LIKE
r.uri AND !=;
Yes, it returns 20-30 rows approximately. (I have about 6000 photos in
my photos.db.) Does this query returns all the duplicates? Matching the
URI but not matching the ID?


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