Re: Add option to select tag icon from file (Bug 461447)

> Hi,
> I Uploaded a patch in the Bug 461447. I think that this could be a
> partial solution for the proposed change.
> Let me know your feedbacks,
> Thanks,
> Miguel Aguero

> Hi,
> I am looking the same bug, but i was thinking that is better that
> initially you you cannot change the icon. I propose (and i am working
> in) when is a parent tag, select one default icon, but if is a child
> tag, take the icon from their parent.  I think in a future could be
> better remove the New icon dialog and try to set this directly in the
> tag list. when you make click in menu New tag, put the tag inside the
> tag list with some text like New Tag (if is parent) or new <Parent>
> tag (in childs, like New Event Tag or New Favorite Tag). If the user
> would like to change, he'll ned to change the title and icon (that
> could be from a picker).
> Frogface, let me know how we can work together.
> Thanks,
> Miguel Aguero

Hi Miguel,

I have tested your patch and agree with your suggestions. Correct me if I'm 
wrong, but I think however that what you suggesting is not directly related 
to this bug number - this bug is concerned with adding the ability for a user 
to select a tag icon from a picture that does not exist within their photo 
libary - whereas you are working on changing the user interface for the 
creation of New Tags. I would suggest creating a new bug for the enhancement 
you propose and post patches to that new bug.

Anyway, back to your patch. The main reason I agree with your approach, is 
that currently when the user creates a new tag there is no option to add an 
icon. Therefore it is not obvious to the user that it is possible to change 
the tag via the Edit Tag functionality. If you let the user do something on 
editing (like customising the icon) then they should be allowed to do so when 
they create the icon. Currently they can't. However with your suggested 
approach the creation of a tag is a much quicker process. Once it's created 
they will have to edit the tag anyway (to change the title) so they will see 
that they can change the icon here too. That's more intuitive for the user 

Alternatively, the ability to choose an icon in the New Tag dialog box could 
be added. However, as this is not done already, I presume there may be a 
technical reason that this hasn't been implemented (such as needing a tag 
record to be persisted before an icon can be added to it). In any case, your 
suggestion may look slicker and also be more intuitive to me - as it similar 
to creating a New Folder in Nautilus (or Konqeuror/Windows Explorer/etc).

So, if I've got this right, this is what you plan to do

* On creating a new tag you cannot change the icon. 
* If the tag is to be created as a top-level tag, select the default icon, but 
if is a child tag, use the icon from their parent.

I have one comment on this. Currently there is no way to have no tag selected 
in the tag list. Once you select any tag, you are locked into always having a 
tag selected. We should change this so that clicking on whitespace deselects 
a tag. Additionally, perhaps make it so that if a selected tag is clicked 
then it gets delselected (otherwise, for example, if the list is full there 
would be no whitespace available to click in order to cause deselection)

Remove the New icon dialog completely. Make 'Create New Tag' a quick process 
as follows
  a.) Creating a new Parent Tag: When you right click on an existing tag and 
select 'Create New Tag' from the context menu, a new tag will be created 
inside the tag list with some text like 'New Tag'. A default icon is used for 
the new tag.
  b.) Creating a new Child Tag: When you right click on an existing tag and 
select 'Create New Tag' from the context menu, a new tag will be created 
under the existing tag in tag list with some text like 'New Event Tag' 
or 'New Favorite Tag'. The parent's tag is used as the icon for the new tag.
  In both of the cases (a) and (b), if the user would like to edit the newly 
created tag title screen, they will use the edit tag screen. They can also 
customise the icon from here.

It all sounds good to me. I hope I haven't completely misunderstood what you 
were saying :) Going forward, I'll continue to work on letting the user 
choose an icon from an external file and you can keep working at updating the 
New Tag Creation user interface. I don't think we'll end up trodding on each 
others toes. Once we're finished the end result work really well. Let me know 
what you think.

All the best,

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