Re: Subfolder for original versions

That would definitely be a cheap solution, but not really very convenient.

The thing is that since the beginning of f-spot, I found it disappointing that the original version of a picture and its modified version were in the same directory, which would let these very similar pictures appear in the same place for any other program than f-spot.
Before f-spot I always had a subdirectory in any of my folders named 
"original", where I would put the original versions of my pictures, in 
case I needed them some day. By doing so, I could browse my directory 
with any software and only see the pictures which I had modified or 
accepted as being OK as is.
I always hoped that one day in the f-spot interface it would be possible 
to define a subdirectory where the original picture would be placed. 
Probably because I continue to use other softwares or other means to 
look show my pictures than only f-spot (which is my top choice).
I hope you understand the way I see the problem ... even if I know that 
there is little chance that somebody is very interested in such a 
plugin, which I must admit, I cannot develop by myself ... :-(

Mark Petersen wrote:
Couldn't you just select the photos you want to "see" with this external
program and export them to a folder?

Using this method YOU get to decide which photos are available to this
external program.


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