File Name Mixup

I am running F-Spot 0.4.4 on Debian Lenny.  I recently switched from
an earlier version of F-Spot that was included with Debian Etch.

F-Spot is working fine with photos that I have recently added.  But it
is not displaying many of my earlier photos.  The thumbnails are
there, but when I double click on a thumbnail, the full image does not

When this happens, the Metadata Browser says (for example):

The photo "file:///home/dadamia/Photos/2008/5/24/IMG_0151.JPG" does not exist
That's true.  But, the file


does exist.  (Note the lower case letters in the file name.)

What is going on here?  I haven't changed any file names.  Why is the
Metadata Browser telling me that the file name is all caps, when it

This is happening on hundreds of files, but not on all files.  Files
whose names consist of all capital letters, or a mix of capital
letters and lower case display properly.  The problem seems to be with
file names consisting of all lower case letters that were added prior
to upgrading to 0.4.4.


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