Re: f-spot crashes when trying to export to smugmug

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008, Anthony McCray wrote:

I'm using f-spot 0.3.2 on Ubuntu 7.04. Every time I try to export to smugmug, f-spot encounters a fatal error and crashes. The info printed when the crash occurs is below. This happens when I try to click on the 'Add' button to select an album to export to. 'Not Connected' is shown in the dropdown menu before I hit 'Add.' I haven't seen any similar problems discussed here, or as a reported bug. Thanks...
Boy, that's an old version of F-spot!  Can you upgrade?

If you need help upgrading, I might be of some use.

-- Asheesh.

It is not good for a man to be without knowledge,
and he who makes haste with his feet misses his way.
		-- Proverbs 19:2

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