Re: Albums

Hi Fabien,

Thank you for your msg. I think it should be clarified in the wiki. I used tags and I think that they aren't really the same thing as albums. Albums are organizational containers for pictures that were all taken during the same event, tags are ways of classifying info. Take blogs for instance, they have entries (the album) and categories/tags. You write an entry and add tags to it. I understand that the general idea in f-spot is to tag the event with a name, which is what I did, but I don't think this is quite correct. Also, not having albums makes the storage scheme strange, if you were to classify the pictures yourself using folders you'd naturally do it differently that f-spot does, and that would probably be by event (albums, like you'd have done it in pre-digital photo days). If I understand correctly, if I go on vacation on the 20th of December 2009 and I come back on the 15th of January 2010, my pictures would be in /home/me/Photos/2009/12/20 through /home/me/Photos/2009/12/31 and /home/me/Photos/2010/01/01 through /home/me/Photos/2010/01/15 even though it is one event (my vacation). If for some reason I backup my drive as-is and I can't use f-spot to import and export them by tag I end up having to do it by hand and that can be a major pain. An album scheme could save them as /home/me/Photos/my_x-mas-vacation_2009 and the picture dates can be retrieved using the metadata. Then I can tag the pictures with stuff like the names of the people in them, etc. That's just my 2 cents :-).

Fabian Kneißl wrote:
Hi Gabriel,

this is somewhat confusing in the beginning. F-Spot has no albums
(currently). But it has tags, and they are your (powerful) friends :).
You can use tags like albums, with the only restriction that you cannot
sort pictures other than by date descending or ascending.

Hope this solves some mystery, perhaps s/o could clarify it in the wiki?

~ Fabian

Am 15.12.2009 16:39, schrieb Gabriel Rossetti:
Hello everyone,

I was reading because I was trying to find
how you guys refered to albums and I founf it, "albums" :-). The problem
is that this is the only place where I've found anything about them, all
I can find stuff about is Tags. Could someone please point me in the
right direction so I can create albums?

Thank you, Gabriel
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