[OT] - Fotopic

I'm following the FUD over the unavailability of fotopic.net with interest.

I have a fair bit invested in fotopic. Not so much financially but I used it to run a volunteer gallery website for the Durham Wildlife Trust. Fotopic's customizability makes it well suited for posting news and limited textual information about events.
More recently I've been experimenting with flickr, partly because it has 
a flat-rate for storage and partly because of the f-spot export function 
that allows uploads, tags and all, directly to flickr. It doesn't, 
however, offer any customisation in terms of layout in the way fotopic 
I noticed that f-spot can export directly to Smugmug and the site itself 
looks promising. Given that f-spot is now my main app for photo handling 
I wonder if anyone is familiar with fotopic and its layout, and could 
suggest an alternative gallery hosting website that might be worth 
exploring should fotopic not reappear?


http://dwt.fotopic.net :-( http://roadandfell.fotopic.net :-( http://houghall.fotopic.net :-( http://www.flickr.com/photos/dougienisbet :-;

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