Time handling in F-Spot

Hi Paul,
You are lucky that your time only gets shifted 2 hours; mine gets shifted by 7 hours. I have a suspicion that this may have something to do with what time zone you are in. Does F-Spot pick up information from the system clock and then make what it thinks is the appropriate adjustment? In my case, I live in GST - 8 but I got my camera in the summer time so the difference would have been 7 hours when I first installed the program. From that time onward F-Spot shifts the time by 7 hours even though the system clock automatically adjusts back to standard time. That leads me to think that the time shifting gets hard coded according to when the program was installed. It certainly is weird behaviour.

As for the solution, I think that F-Spot should not change the exif time data. If I happen to take a photo at high noon in a different time zone I still want, and expect, F-Spot to tell me this picture was taken at noon. As it is now, it is obvious looking at shadows in a picture that the shot was not taken when F-Spot is telling me it was taken. I can not think of any good reason why F-Spot should shift the time. After all, how many people are constantly taking pictures in multiple time zones anyway. There are two easy ways a photographer could correct the time if need be. You can either change the time in the camera to match your location, or if you forget, you can tell F-Spot to shift the time to what you want. F-Spot should NOT be making assumptions about what the time is. It is a real PIA to constantly have to change the time manually for every photo I load into F-Spot. I have never seen any rational explanation as to why someone thought that this should be the normal behaviour. If there is a good reason for this, it should be made an option controlled by the user.


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