Face detection / recognition / tagging

Hi there,

this is Ali Servet Donmez from Italy.

I simply need to know if there's enough interests having face
detection/recognition in F-Spot implemented?

I need to know this, because I just proposed a thesis project for my
Computer Science graduation and before giving my final decision to the
professor I need to be sure that someone really really wants this.

Also, and most importantly, I need to hear from at least one fairly
experienced F-Spot developer if she/he could give me the support that I
will need during this journey. Like coding standards for F-Spot, guiding
during the development of an extension (or instead bundle this into the
F-Spot directly instead of writing a separate extension), whom to talk
to and how to get this thing into the main trunk of F-Spot, which
programming language should I code, and so on...

Please remember that the decision has to be made by sunday night
(13.09.2009) so can I can apply early on monday morning. I know this is
not too much time, but you have to make your decision as quick as
possible please.

My possible _initial_ (I should stop at a certain point if I want to
graduate right?) solution to the problem goes like this (please add
yours in case you have objections or better ideas):

* OpenCV for face detection on static images
* Face recognition/identificaton somehow [optional] (will discuss with
the professor if that's possible to accomplish until deadline for thesis
* Scan faces on/off once for all the image archive you've got
* Region tagging (with highlighting) on detected faces

Make some noise!

P.S.: if you ever worked on this before (Maxxer, Robert Paskowitz,
Andrzej Wytyczak-Partyka from [1] are few names that I've came to know)
please don't be silent.

[1]: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=324391

Ali Servet Donmez <asd pittle org>

tags: f-spot face facial detection recognition identification region tag
tagging opencv

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