Re: Importing Photos that Are Already in the Photos Folder

Haha. Sorry to laugh, but I did the same exact thing, nuking too many
hidden directories to recover elegantly. I just ended up creating a new
profile - it was worth it.

About your question, I'm not an f-spot developer, but I filed a bug that
you might be weary of when doing this:

Not sure when it will be fixed, but it's something to be aware of. I
think you're also going to lose any tags that you had on the photos,
since those won't get imported either.

For your future backups, may I recommend rsnapshot?


Sean McCauliff wrote on 06/25/2010 12:19 PM:
> After using UNIX for 22 years I finally did "rm -fr .*" in the wrong
> place.  Fortunately it only nuked the "." directories before I killed
> it.  This means my F-Spot database has been nuked.  But all my photos
> are in the "$HOME/Photos" directory.  Is it safe to import the photos
> that are already in the photos directory?
> Thanks,
> Sean
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