Re: How dead is f-spot

I'm aware of the github version.

Also, I don't need flickr, and would prefer a configure time switch to not use it instead of having to edit config files to remove the requirement. (I based that on the Gentoo ebuild - perhaps I missed something easier.)
On 2014.12.07 02:55, Matthieu Nguyen wrote:
Stephen Shaw is still leading F-spot, but on the mono/f-spot branch, as you noticed, instead of the gnome/f-spot one. Not sure exactly why. I know he
intends to release a new version, but I don't know where he is in that

If you need flickr export, I have a pull request pending for fixing it:

On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 8:29 AM, <kenneth westelinck telenet be> wrote:

> I have been an f-spot user for many years, but, over time, it became
> harder and harder to get it to work on a recent distribution. This year I > migrated everything to digikam, primarily because I use KDE. There is
> indeed a script and it works.
> Good luck.
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Matthieu Nguyen - ingénieur informatique
ENSEIRB promotion 2004 - Info, spé GL.

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