Re: Latin font

Charles Smith wrote:
Well, sure, I could be the leader if no one else volunteers. Like I said, I’m only a very, /very/ amateur font maker, as I’ve been just adding diacritics and making very few new letters, and taking shortcuts when I do. Does anyone else want to make some glyphs, perhaps from Latin Extended-B, IPA, Greek, Cyrillic...? Also like I said, I’m working on the Serif font, so if anyone else wants to work on a different font, let me know, but I’ve done quite a bit with this font already. Hope to hear something good soon!
Yeah, well, the problem is that I think you are more or less the third 
person to go off and add diacritics ;-) In the short term at least, an 
organising force that makes sure that everything is in one place, people 
at least attempt to talk to each over and don't coninualy duplicate work 
is more important than some more glyphs.
Please don't make Extended B or Extended Additional diacritic glyphs, I 
have a good collection of those, esp for Serif.

Charles D. Smith

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