Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting December 18 2001

	  Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting December 18 2001


    Havoc Pennington (chairing)
    James Henstridge
    Daniel Veillard  (minutes)
    Jody Goldberg
    Telsa Gwynne
    Federico Mena
    Miguel de Icaza  
    Jonathan Blandford
    Jim Gettys
    Tim Ney 
    Nat Friedman
    George Lebl (0:15)


Actions done:

  ACTION: Havoc to write a paragraph on what GNOME-2 release is expected to be
     => Done, but some discussions with the Release and Marketing
        team needed, action taken by Tim


  ACTION: Tim to get the membership logos on the foundation page
     => in progress still waiting for some permissions
  ACTION: Tim, John and Havoc to get a draft statement on the relation
          with the free software and license policy.
     => Tim and Havoc will do this

  ACTION: Tim to work on the Trademark registration for "GNOME" and the foot.
     => in progress, the lawyers are working on this

  ACTION: Jim to restart the font discussions with various parties
     => in progress

  ACTION: Nat to solve the arrangement for the teleconferences
     => no answer from John, pending

  ACTION: Nat and Jonathan talk to gnome-sysadmin about adding ssh
          tunneling for GNOME CVS access
     => A description has been sent, waiting for a reply

New Actions:

  ACTION: Tim to organize a call with Nat, Tim, Leslie and Jeff Waugh to
          finalize the description.


 - approve last meeting minutes:
   The people present on the last board meeting think they are accurate.

   A subgroup from the Team with Tim, Miguel, Daniel and Dan will help on
   the organization of GUADEC3
   A basic web site is being built.
   They already have GNOME tutorials ready in Spanish.
   The subgroup will try to arrange the Advisory Board meeting at the same time.

   3 axis should be selected as the Conference main topics, the board
   grew up a preliminary list of candidates:
     - The GNOME 2.x platform
     - API stabilization
     - Documentation
     - The next big step after GNOME-2.0
     - Interoperability between apps
     - Consistency

 - Next call Thurday the 3rd January 4pm GMT


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml Gnome XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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