Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting Mar 26 2002

	  Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting Mar 26 2002


    Nat Friedman (chair)
    George Lebl
    Jody Goldberg 
    James Henstridge
    Daniel Veillard (minutes)
    Jonathan Blandford
    Havoc Pennington
    Jim Gettys
    Tim Ney 
    Telsa Gwynne
    Federico Mena

    Miguel de Icaza


    - Decided the GNOME Foundation, Inc. ratify and adopt the set of
      By-laws as reviewed at the board of directors meeting on March 26th,
      2002, pending the reception of couple of votes from Board members
      this should be effective by GUADEC time.

Actions done:

  ACTION: Tim and Miguel check for logistic and policy of funding
          people travels and accomodations.
	=> Except for a couple of people it is done.
  ACTION: Jody and Leslie to find possble presentators from KDE,
          StarOffice and CUPS.
	=> Sander proposed someone for OO, looking for KDE people and
           no answer from CUPS people, it's late now.
	   It seems dicfficult to do more at this point


  ACTION: Tim, John and Havoc to get a draft statement on the relation
          with the Free Software Foundation and license policy.
	=> Still pending. We expect to discuss that at GUADEC

  ACTION: Jim to restart the font discussions with various parties
	=> Jim is pursusing the issue with Keith Packard and related parties.
           Ongoing, we expected discussion about this at GUADEC.

  ACTION: Nat and Jonathan talk to gnome-sysadmin about adding ssh
          tunneling for GNOME CVS access
	=> This has been postponed until after GNOME 2.

  ACTION: Havoc, Jody, Nat volunteer for working on producing a first
       draft of ABI rules for GNOME-2 releases, get involvment from
       someone at Sun, and make sure the draft get some review.
       => underway, 

New Actions:


 - approve last meeting minutes:


   It seems there are 300+ person registered once duplicate are removed.
   Preparing the Advisory Board meeting, discussng the expected format
   of this day long meeting. We expect the Advisory Board members to
   provide us with some data and bring expectations w.r.t the future 
   Havoc will chair the meeting, and prepare an overview presentation.

 - Foundation bylaws.

   They have been updated based on the feedback last meeting discussions:

   "Committees can be made up of people not on the board" has been
   reflected in the text.

   Bylaws amendments will have to be posted on the web site for 3 weeks, 
   member will have a way (electronic communication) to raise objection, 
   if less than 5% of the membership object, the amendment will be approved.

   After discussion with the lawyers, it appears that the Foundation
   can actually held Copyright for code.

   A spouse or family member would not be considered an affiliated person
   for purposes of restrictions on the number of directors from any one
   company who may serve on the board at any one time.

   We expect to have the bylaws approved by the board before GUADEC

   [Editor Note: the Board decided to go through a mail vote process and 
    apparently no objection was raised as of today Saturday 30 Mar 2002
    so it seems the new By-laws will effectively be approved by then ]

  We hope to see most of the GNOME community at GUADEC next week !


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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