Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimit! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

It will make you think about it more - but will the result be good or bad?
I don't know the answer to this question, and I don't belive you've
adequately answered it either.
Well, I do think that thinking more is a good thing :) I don't know the answer either but we have a system in place already. Some people are saying that there is a new system that works better thus let's switch to a new one. I am only trying to question the "works better" part. I am not so sure about that and I would like to make descisions based on facts
instead of plain cliches "anonimity is good!".

Whether the voter is known or not has no bearing on whether a vote is
democratic or not. You keep talking about responsibility, but I don't think
you've answered the question - what is this open responsibility useful for,
in *our* case.
I thought I made it clear but let's try again. I think that responsibility in "open" case makes voter think about *how* they vote. If today you vote for someone and the only reason for you is that s/he has a cute face on the photo then tomorrow someone might ask you "why you did vote this way?" (remeber, everything is googled :) ) It might be your new employeer, your new wife or your children (if they ever be interested in this old crap 20 years later). Would you use the reason "s/he has a cute face" as an answer? May be not. Instead you'll make up something "s/he was
a very good candidate with a solid program..." :)

Only anonymous voting allows Bugs Bunny to be elected the governor and I guess this would
happen soon in the state there I live now :)

(fwiw, I was not completely comfortable with the idea to begin with. But I
don't think that you're enhancing the conversation by not backing up what
this responsibility will be useful for.)

I am not sure I understand this. I felt that I did explain my position clear that open voting makes voter think about his/her votes because everyone can see how s/he voted. This *is* the responsibility. IMHO, it makes voting more brain based process which I see as a good thing :)


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