Minutes of the Board meeting Sep 9 2003

     Minutes of the Board meeting Sep 9 2003


   Glynn Foster (chair)
   Daniel Veillard (minutes)
   Jonathan Blandford
   Luis Villa		
   James Henstridge
   Jody Goldberg
   Jeff Waugh
   Tim Ney
   Bill Haneman		
   Jim Gettys		(10:)


   Nat Friedman
   Miguel de Icaza

Completed Actions:

    ACTION : Luis to forward budget from summit at MIT to NY organizers
        : got them on the phone, so done, but still trying to grab dates

    ACTION : Jeff to get setup a link on webapge for software patent day
       : Done !


    ACTION: Glynn to check for Thanks: Wilson-Sonsini for working pro-bono
            Red Hat for bandwidth
        in newsletter and on the foundation site
	: Pending newletter
	: Will go onto new website too

    ACTION: Tim to look into merchandising options around our logo and
        GUADEC proceedings
	: Can now accept credit cards
	: Process of setting up the web form, and certificate ongoing
          Arios is working on it.

    ACTION: Nat to get the charter amended to reflect the current consensus
	: Nat sent something, but no formal adoption process has be done.
	: Nat to resend before next meeting so we can ratify.
        : Still pending

    ACTION: Nat and Jody to draft a short list of projects to propose for
	: Pending.   Jody will __really__ send a start to list.

    ACTION: Nat to collect advisory board slides and post them
	: pending

    ACTION: Put the confidentiality policy on website
	: Sent and reviewed on list.  We need to put it on the web
	and add links to it.
	: Jeff wil get the links set up.
        : Glynn will fetch it from the archive and report it

    ACTION : Daniel to check with Nat and schedule the advisory phone call,
	: Target Sept 11-18 , might be hard to make at this point
	: pending.

    ACTION : Luis poll the release team for roadmap.
	: Ongoing.  Initial proposal saw alot of discussion on the lists.
	  More discussion with maintainers.
        : in progress working with Jonathan

    ACTION : Jim, find status of GPE announment from Leslie & Nils
        : Leslie should be back now. Release is tomorrow, maybe this
          can be done on time. Tim will check with her.

    ACTION: Tim to produce a proto-budget for next year based on this year's
    	fiscal results.
	: Ongoing, will be reviewed with Jonathan for presentation in Sept.
        : Missing some details for upcoming Guadec and the Summit.

    ACTION : Leslie to produce a schedule of conferences for the next 6 months.
	: Pending real life.

    ACTION : Jody & Nat to send announcement and proposed agenda for advisory
    	     board meeting.
	: Pending.


  ACTION: Glynn to mail the membership comitee and foundation list
          about the anonymous voting.

  ACTION: Jonathan and Tim will investigate joining the Desktop Consortium


  Approved Minutes from 26 Aug 2003

- GNOME 2.4 Press Release
   - Tim will talk to Leslie today to try to get it tomorrow.
   - Getting quotes is the main remaining part

- GNOME Foundation Elections
   - changing the election process:
     consensus that anonymous election would be better
   - length of term?
     discussing changing to 2 years terms, no consensus.
     How to optimize the learning of new elected nboard members.

- Extremadura / Accessibility
   - Bill needs contacts

   We got 3 prospects
   - Stuttgart [still no proposal]
   - Turkey
   - Norway
   Need to be decided at the next board meeting.

- Desktop Linux Consortium
   Jonathan and Tim will look into getton onboard

- Telstra followups
  Jeff is getting in touch with them looking for case studies.

- Accessibility
  Bill is in touch with Judy Brewer at W3C on accessibility
  Extremadura spin-off could be used for feedback and case studies


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Network https://rhn.redhat.com/
veillard redhat com  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/

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