Re: Meeting Minutes Published - November 11, 2010

Hi Dave,

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Dave Neary <dneary gnome org> wrote:
> Based on the Orca (or even a more general a11y) roadmap, it may be
> possible to get some funding from companies or associations interested
> in seeing Orca get better (although a lot of the associations seem to be
> focussing more on NVDA because it works on Windows).

Just thought I'd chime in here. I spent a bit of time searching for
funding to work on Caribou after the ATRC  / IDRC cut funding for my
position. The feedback I received was a similar story; the potential
funders seemed only interested in an applications that would serve
their users who primarily use Windows. Obviously this will be an issue
when searching for funding for GNOME a11y projects - especially new
projects that don't have an established group of users like Caribou.

Cheers, Ben

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