ocrfeeder 0.7.7

About ocrfeeder

A document layout analysis and optical character recognition


Bug Fixes

* Fix memory usage (use a limited number of ImageReviewer instances,
  among other changes that save memory)
* Fix single recognition of a content area
* Import the Image module from PIL to avoid issues
* Fix the sys path for the CLI
* Reset the mouse cursor (to be the normal one) when deleting areas
* Fix missing dependency check for reportlab (gb#656574)
* Remove libgnome dependency (thanks to György Balló)


* Generate a ChangeLog file from git when running make dist
  (thanks to Alberto Garcia)
* Miscellaneous code improvements (remove unused code;
  reorganize some classes; use subclasses of GTK+ objects instead
  of generic Python objects)
* Use a dedicated temporary folder and delete it afterwards
* Remove the temporary folder setting from the preferences dialog
* Create a temporary directory correctly for the PDF conversion
* Change the way the areas are removed to make it more secure

New and Updated Translations

* Marek Černocký [cz]
* Joe Hansen [da]
* Mario Blättermann [de]
* Kristjan SCHMIDT [eo]
* Daniel Korostil [uk]
* Matej Urbančič [sl]

http://download.gnome.org/sources/ocrfeeder/0.7/ocrfeeder-0.7.7.changes  (178K)


http://download.gnome.org/sources/ocrfeeder/0.7/ocrfeeder-0.7.7.tar.xz (722K)
  sha256sum: 09bb021dca7997b52b080ba34ec4cc2a649ea0c6bdd4c37f58fe269ed8387e97

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