gnome-boxes 3.9.3

About GNOME Boxes

No long description yet


Changes since 3.9.2:

- Add support for import of ready-made disk images. Supported formats are:
  - qcow2
  - qcow
  - cow
  - raw (.img extension)
  - vdi
  - vmdk
  - vpc
  - cloop
  Also gzip compressed images are supported.
- Show a spinner on top of under-construction boxes in collection view.
- Fix cancellation of ovirt authentication.
- Asynchronously initialize brokers so UI doesn't remain empty for slow
- Handle SPICE connection errors and avoid user seeing a stuck UI
  indefinitely in case of such errors.
- Fix selectionbar overlay not becoming visible on right-click.
- Fix Boxes showing mostly invisible wizard when launched with a media argument.
- Fix display ending-up at the top of item in collection view at the end of
  display->collection animation when linked against clutter 1.16.
- Fix ellipsizing of wizard summary labels.
- Use new libgovirt API to know the host subject to use to validate the SSL
  certificate of a given VM without user having to set environment variable.
- If recommended/min memory for an OS or OS itself is unknown, we now allocate
  1G rather than 500M. 500M is too little for most modern OSs.
- Drop file extension when naming a VM by its source media filename.
- Ensure that newly created boxes appear first in the collection view.
- Remove now redundant style & associated data.
- Added/updated/fixed translations:
  - Assamese
  - Brazilian Portuguese
  - Catalan
  - Czech
  - Galician
  - German
  - Kannada
  - Odia
  - Polish
  - Simplified Chinese
  - Slovak
  - Spanish
  - Telugu

Dependencies changed:

govirt >= 0.1.0 (optional)

All contributors to this release:

Christian Kirbach <Christian Kirbach googlemail com>
Christophe Fergeau <cfergeau redhat com>
Dušan Kazik <prescott66 gmail com>
Fran Diéguez <fran dieguez mabishu com>
Gil Forcada <gforcada gnome org>
Krishnababu Krothapalli <kkrothap redhat com>
Luc Pionchon <pionchon luc gmail com>
ManojKumar Giri <mgiri redhat com>
Marek Černocký <marek manet cz>
Nilamdyuti Goswami <ngoswami redhat com>
Piotr DrÄ…g <piotrdrag gmail com>
Rafael Ferreira <rafael f f1 gmail com>
Shankar Prasad <svenkate redhat com>
YunQiang Su <yqsu src gnome org>
Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) <zeeshanak gnome org>

======== (1.65M)
  sha256sum: cc7e852c301f9bc5cf8003377631a37fc146d447ff01c2ceedd1719e56461673

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