gnome-maps 43.alpha

About gnome-maps

Map application based on OpenStreetMap map data


Changes since 42.0
 - Remove network check (always assume network is available)
 - Remove check-in support (as no GOA backends support this anymore)
 - Use external browser to authorize OSM account for editing
 - Add checkbox to select the visibility of the scale
 - Fix setting the correct month in the public transit time settings
 - Migrate code to use ES 6 modules
 - Tune location bias scale parameter for the Photon geocoder
 - Fix a crash on exit
 - Add icons for keep left/right route instuctions
 - Remove support for contact address lookup (removes dependency on
   libfolks, possible this will be re-introduces at some point using e-d-s
 - Remove support for dark street and hybrid aerial tiles, as we don't have
   access to these anymore and a future implementation of dark tiles will
   likely use vector tiles with a stylesheet
 - Add specific icon for tourist rail in public transit itineraries
 - Update the Resrobot public transit plugin to API v2.1

Added/updated/fixed translations
 - Brazilian Portuguese
 - Persian
 - Portuguese
 - Ukrainian
 - Russian
 - Italian
 - Friulian
 - German
 - Georgian
 - Hebrew

======== (2.22M)
  sha256sum: c0513d83cb6b989e47159cf89c72e7b0881e8da9e5ea47c8d7e7362d8eae1390

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