Re: Proposed Module for GNOME 2.9: GNOME War Pad -- Questions

Hi Callum!

Callum McKenzie wrote, On 24/11/04 19:39:

What Heretik wrote is correct. I am not accepting any more games at the
moment due to time and space considerations. The need to use a third-
party game server (free or otherwise) is also a problem since as
distributed it would be unplayable (you make the requirement clear on
your website, but if it found by a user as part of the gnome-games
bundle they won't know this).
Yes, I supposed that this fact was going to be a problem, GWP is not the kind of game that you execute and play, and the "little" detail that it depends on non-free software is more than enough, I was just checking :-)
Having said that, there is a better reason not to include GNOME War Pad:
It doesn't need to be. You have a great website, you have advertised it
well (I have encountered it before through several different sources)
and it appears to be going well. I don't think adding it to gnome-games
is going to enhance GNOME War Pad. What were you hoping to get out of
being part of gnome-games ?
My idea is that distributing GWP through the usual paths, more people will get to know it, and more people will help me finish it. That's why I waited until it got a very usable state (at least as a viewer), because I thought people would be interested in using it and contributing with code. In this two years of the project, I had a very hard time finding programmers that could help me, currently I have one code contributor, and I made the plugin system to allow python programmers to join in :-) This is my first free software project, I don't know if it's always so hard to find help, I suppose on games it's the case.
gnome-games is not meant to be a collection of every game written using
the GNOME framework. It is meant to be a small collection of toys to
show off GNOME's features and technology. Also, all desktops require a
solitaire game :).
Hehehe, thanks for pointing me out this fact, I supposed gnome-games was made to be the "big meta game package" for GNOME.
There are a lot of good games out there that no one knows about (yours
is not one of those) and, in general, we don't do a lot to promote non-
core GNOME products. The fifth-toe software collection is a classic
example of this. It was meant to be a collection of all those great non-
core GNOME applications (like gnumeric and abiword) but no one ever
promoted it beyond putting up a website. Eugenia's looks
like being a good replacement, a sort of GNOME-specific There is also the Linux Game Tome ( for promoting Linux
games in general (but you already know about these).
Exactly, I currently advertise my releases in and, being the site that bring me more people to my website :-) I'm very pleased with it. Others like happypenguin mirror release notices from freshmeat. (I think)
Remember GNOME is more than just the core set of software. It is all the
other things, like gnumeric, like GNOME War Pad, like monkey bubble,
like all the other GNOME-based games.

If you just feel distant from the core group of hackers and the decision
making process (which is a reasonable feeling) then the way to get
involved is to be active with ideas on mailing lists like desktop-devel,
join the GNOME Foundation, supply patches for cool hacks you have made,
complain about bits of the API you don't like. It is a lot easier than
you think to be involved.
Yes, I was a member of the Foundation some years ago, and contributed with translations on the Spanish team, this is my first code contribution. Thanks Callum for your kind answer, I'll try to get GWP being massively distributed maybe proposing it to Debian and others distros.
And, if anyone on this list is a VGA Planets fan and have the time and 
will to contribute, you just need to know C or Python programming, send 
me an email :-)
Best regards,
Lucas Di Pentima - Santa Fe, Argentina - Jabber ID: lucas lunix com ar
LUNIX S.R.L. - Soluciones en GNU/Linux -
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