Re: Win32 port

Install a GNU/Linux distro for her instead. My mother runs a Debian
GNU/Linux that I installed and administer and she's quite happy with it.
And yes, she's what we call a newbie at computers. Don't fear giving her
the best.
I would if my parents wanted it, but they don't have a reason to
switch. Also, they have a tv input card that doesn't have working
Linux drivers.

And Windows will always have more softwares than GNU/Linux and users
will never have real technical reasons to switch, and Windows will still
have more users and we will always want to port our softwares to Windows
to get a larger audience.
I don't feel the need to "compete" with Microsoft by contributing to
open source software. People who think Windows is better can keep
buying it. I'll stick with Linux because I think it's better (until
something better than that comes along anyway).

I don't really believe the failure to port software will help your
goal anyway, but I don't want to argue this point.

Vincent Povirk

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