Problems compiling gnome-games on windows (fwd)


I'm forwarding this to the mailing list. Perhaps someone can help you there. I would suggest you compile and install the packages which are missing. Setting up mingw32 is not for the faint hearted.
  - Andreas

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2007 10:36:55 +0200
From: Thomas Bass <thomas bass yahoo de>
To: "[ISO-8859-15] Andreas Røsdal" <andrearo pvv ntnu no>
Subject: Problems compiling gnome-games on windows

Hi Andreas,

I tried to follow your advice with compiling gnome-games on windows with automake. But it doesn't work.
I started everything from the msys environment with the following cmd line

./ --with-platform=gtk-only --with-games=aisleriot --enable-threading=no --disable-setgid --prefix=/c/gnome-games

But it complains about a missing glib-gettext, intltool, pkg-config, gnome-doc-utils and some missing autoconf macros not found.
Did I forgot an important step in between? I took the script from the gimp page 
and it installed everything (ming environment, etc) without a complaint.
Btw, where do I set the CFLAGS you mention on the page? I've "grown up" in the 
windows environment with all the luxury tools from MS, where never had to build 
a make file :) So I'm a little helpless right now with these stuff, Maybe you 
could help me a bit.
Also when I try to compile guile, it complains about the same undefined 
references you mention on the page. I've found no solution until now..
Hope you can give me a hint that may solve my problems. :)



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