Re: Aisleriot / mingw32

I don't suppose someone could build a version that'll work with gtk+
2.6? My parents still use WinME.

On 6/9/07, Andreas Røsdal <andrearo pvv ntnu no> wrote:
Here's a working version of Aisleriot on Windows:

To install and run, follow these steps:

1. Requires GTK+ 2 for Windows installed:

2. Install guile for win32
I've compiled guile for mingw32, and created a tarball here:
Download and unzip it somewhere.

3. Set the Guile Load Path to the directory where you installed guile.
On my system I did:
export GUILE_LOAD_PATH=/c/gnome-games-win32-2.19.3/guile/
This should be automated by the installer probably.

4. Run sol.exe in the ZIP file, and hopefully Aisleriot should launch.

Alan, if you could help with creating an installer for Win32, that would
be great. This probably means that there can be releases of gnome-games
for Windows pretty soon. Perhaps as soon as 2.19.4.

Issues & TODO:
- Help doesn't work (as described by Christian).
- Icons don't work.
- Aisleriot and libgames-support assume that the datafiles are stored in
$(datadir) eg. /usr/local/. On windows this is a problem, because the
data files should be relative to the executable.
- Port other games.
- Moving cards quickly on the screen with the most will corrupt the
graphics on the card.
- Find or create distribution of guile for win32.
- Create installer.

  - Andreas
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