Re: Localized password !?

On 3/5/07, Changwoo Ryu <cwryu debian org> wrote:
2007-03-04 (일), 20:35 +0800, Abel Cheung 쓰시길:
> What I have in mind is to actually remove N_() if they
> should be left alone.

In some languages their localized passwords can be typed in the text
entry, with ASCII letters and/or simple XKB-rules.  But I'm not sure
such language users really want that.
That's why I'd suggest dropping them from translation, since they
most probably look like random words, and most importantly, people
are expected to change the password once they got their account.


Changwoo Ryu <cwryu debian org>

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Abel Cheung   (GPG Key: 0xC67186FF)
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