Re: Games in need of maintainers

Hi Bastien,

2019-08-06 11:23 UTC+02:00, Bastien Nocera <hadess hadess net>:
On Mon, 2019-08-05 at 23:11 +0200, Arnaud Bonatti via desktop-devel-
list wrote:
I’ll take care of Four-in-a-Row, I have big plans for it. And if
really needed, I can also have a look to Klotski, Mahjongg and
Tetravex, but that would be in low-maintainance mode.
I'm not sure this is a good idea, seeing as you didn't follow the
correct procedures for translations, for a piece of software you
already maintain, just back in March this year:
and then again a couple of days later:

Despite being told about not doing that in 2018:

Yes, I’ve by two times tried to avoid some work for translators in
original ways, and some of them have been not happy with that. We’ve
already discussed about that, and I’ve understood in the process that
nothing is really doable here more than what I already do by
commenting the translations, even when I’m dissatisfied with the
result. So I’m just following the standard procedures now, as already
stated and since passed release cycle.


Arnaud Bonatti
courriel : arnaud bonatti gmail com

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