[gamin] CIFS Mountpoints on FC3

Sorry if this is a commonly asked question; I've checked out the bug lists and google searched, but nothing seems to solve this problem I have.
I have added a mountpoint to fstab to a windows server share:

//serpent2005/vol1 /mnt/vol1 cifs credentials=/home/adam/.smbpasswd 0 0
This mounts pefectly, and will unmount - provided I don't browse to it! 
The moment I browse the share, or open a file, gam_server holds onto it 
and doesn't let go, so I then can't unmount the share, and ultimately it 
segfaults when I attempt a restart:
[root ajc /]# umount /mnt/vol1
umount: /mnt/vol1: device is busy
umount: /mnt/vol1: device is busy

So ultimately I'm asking can I specify a list of paths gamin doesn't monitor? Even if I log onto my windows machine and disconnect the session, it still won't let go (same if I try to kill gam_server) :( I'm using the two FC3 binaries- gamin-0.0.19-1.i386.rpm and gamin-devel-0.0.19-1.i386.rpm.

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