Re: Stop scrollkeeper

El vie, 06-12-2002 a las 09:56, Rafal Krzewski escribió:
> Ruben Porras wrote:
> > żHow can I stop scrollkeeper registering programs I have installed in my
> > system?
> > 
> > It really slow down the process of installing garnome.
> > 
> > scrollkeeper-update -p /usr/local/hacking-0.19.2/var/scrollkeeper
> > Registering /usr/share/omf/file-roller/file-roller-ru.omf
> > Registering /usr/share/omf/file-roller/file-roller-C.omf
> > .....
> > And much more :(
> You need an XML catalog. If you don't know what it is about just make
> a symlink form /etc/xml to $GARNOME_HOME/etc/xml and enjoy :)

I don't have it., but I have a /usr/share/xml,
żis it the same?

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