Re: default configuration

Martijn Brouwer wrote:
I have succesfully installed garnome 0.10.6 but still use gnome 1.4. The
reason is that garnome / gnome2 is barely usable after compilation:
empty panel, crashing applets (system monitor), gnumeric with thousands
of very small cells, nautilus crash when activating the 'tree' in the
sidebar, controlcenter not in the menus, no buttons for basic operations
like copy / paste / delete in the nautilus toolbar.
I'm using 0.10.5 at the moment and works like a breeze for me.
gnome-system-monitor (destkop application, not applet) does crash
from time to time, but it's mostly harmles, and yelp does not seem
to be working. I haven't experienced any problems with nautilus and
gnumeric you are describing. I uninstalled my gnome 1.4 to get rid
of extreneous items in system settings menu and I'm happy with that.

Allthough this sounds quit negatively I really like gnome and am
impressed by the improvements in gnome2 and would like to have a good
working gnome2.
Gnome2 rocks, man!

Will the next version of garnome that belongs to the final gnome 2.0 be
more usable out of the box, or do I have to wait for ximian gnome 2.0 or
something like that. I prefer a home build gnome2 over a precompiled
version, so garnome is favorite over ximian.
I built 0.12.0 on a remote machine that is substantialy stronger than
my box at home, and I can't wait to go to the site and burn it onto
a CD...

Good luck with building/running 0.12.0


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