Re: sawfish prefereces lost between sessions

Rafa? Krzewski wrote:

Maybe not ... :) After a while of stracing I discovered that sawfish was not
reading the same file that it was writing the settings to.
Configuration is being written to ~/.sawfish/custom, but the files loaded at
startup are ~/.sawfishrc ~/.sawfishrc.jl ~/
~/.sawfish/lisp/site-init ~/.sawfish/lisp/site-init.jl
~/.sawfish/lisp/ ~/.sawmillrc etc.
... and after reading sawfish/wm/user.jl I discovered that the issue is more
complicated than that. I'm none of a scheme hacker, but as far as I can tell
custom-load-user-file function is failing to load the file that is successfuly
loaded by safe-load function few lines further down. I'm not seeing any
relevant error messages in any of the ~/*-errors files though (BTW. where is
sawfish's stderr going?).

Creating a symbolic link from ~/.sawfish/custom to ~/.sawfishrc fixes the
Which is a working stop-gap solution until the problem is fixed upstream....


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